1v1 Demos



Teams FFA Cheaters Hall of Fame FAQ's Upload


"Gods of War - TRP_Vaxon, _Preen_, AnarKy_Beast.zip"  

(10.5mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

TRP_ViPeR vs iklash222 ; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

In this game, Preen and Anarky_Beast play a good game, but rather one-sided and a little boring at times...but netherless an educational game. Preen and Beast goes ff's and loses each other's ff's and then Preen expand and reclaim the rocks and its goes downhill from there...I give this game a rating of 6/10 for expertise level of the game. **ViRaL**

"Ashap Plateau - TRP_ViPeR, Iklash222.zip"  (10.5mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

TRP_ViPeR vs iklash222 ; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

This between TRP_ViPeR and iklash were non-entertaining and uneducational, in other words....boring. Sorry to say this but I'm giving this game an rating of 4/10. d/l this only if u are extremely bored or want to see how our new member's, TRP_ViPeR, playing style. **ViRaL**

"3_26_00 - Comet Catcher - TRP_Vaxon, _TheSludgeKing_, RawDawgFU.ZIP"  

(10.5mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

Vaxon vs _TheSludgeKing_; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

Vaxon won this game with mostly luck and just a tiny bit of skill :P Vaxon flash rushed sludge and and sludge does not get the chance to retaliate because his commander was spotted out in the open and killed (luck). Otherwise, I think that sludge would've won. **ViRaL**

"PD_Vaxon_vs_115.zip" (10.5mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

Vaxon vs gnug115; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

Playing a vet you will always get a good game!!

"Comet_Vaxon_vs_slayerofmen.zip" (5.7mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

Vaxon vs Slayerofmen; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

Very nice game of well played strategies on both sides...

"Comet_Vaxon_vs_sludge.zip" (7.84mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

Vaxon vs gnug115; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

Probably the best game I have ever played on comet :) must see..

"Great Divide - TRP_Vaxon, TRP_Riff_Raff.zip" (1.11mb) Submitted by Vaxon.

Vaxon vs Riff_Raff; CC required, ARM Flea, ARM Scarab, CORE Hedgehog, CORE Immolator, ARM Fast Attack-Repair Kbot, CORE Necro, Demo ver.97

The way to play this map and do it well...

"shoretoshore.zip" (2.54mb) Submitted by King_of_Men

King_of_Men vs Songldr, jbl_fun watching; CC Required, Demo ver.93-3

I have not watched this yet but King seemed to think it was good enough to send in!!

"DeepvsMu.zip" (1.88mb) Submitted by Mu 

Deepblou vs Muhaha; CC Required, Demo ver.93-3

I have not watched this one yet but Mu thought it was cool!!